
Philips Mixer Grinder discounted price Rs.15,950
40.8% off
Two years warranty
Limited time offer from Dinapala Group
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Philips Mixer Grinder discounted price Rs.15,950
40.8% off
Two years warranty
Limited time offer from Dinapala Group
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House for Rent near Ragama
House for Rent Ragama (Gampaha) November 8, 2022 30000.00 Rs2 bed room house with attached bathroom, living area, dining area & 2 kitchen rooms with pantry. Well water with storage tank. House area is around 1,500 SQFT. Land area 16 perch. 1km from Mahabage - Ragame road.
Two Stories House for Rent in Ragama
House for Rent Ragama (Gampaha) October 16, 2022 40000.00 Rs1km for Ragama Railway Station and ragama hospital.separate electricity and water.hot waater connections in bathrooms.6 months key Money required.
House Ground Floor for rent in Ragama
House for Rent Ragama (Gampaha) September 6, 2022 20000.00 RsHouse ground floor for rent in Ragama- kitchen, bathroom, dining room, bedroom and living room. 1km far from Ragama general hospital
new house for rent
House for Rent Ragama (Gampaha) May 23, 2022 30000.00 Rsnew house for rent. 2 bedrooms. kitchen, washroom,open aria full residential rent for couple
Mahabage house for rent
House for Rent Ragama (Gampaha) March 17, 2022 36000.00 RsMahabage, Gunasekara mawatha, upstrair house for rent. 800 m to negombo road 1km to kerawalaptiya highway entrance
Ragama,brand new house for rent
House for Rent Ragama (Gampaha) March 17, 2022 50000.00 RsRagama, Horape, newly build house for rent. Please call for inspection
House For Rent In Ragama
House for Rent Ragama (Gampaha) December 27, 2021 30000.00 Rs2.5 km to Ragama railway station ,general hospital very close to Ragama medical college, House for rent with wall & Net around the land 14 perches ,with 03 bed rooms, attached bathroom,kitchen,dining area, portico, outside toilet ,access from Rag...
3 bedroom house Welisara
House for Rent Ragama (Gampaha) December 14, 2021 45000.00 RsAttractive place with garden Near to Welisara Naval base and Chest hospital 3km to Ragama teaching hospital 3 bed rooms 2 bathrooms Living room Dining room Kitchen 200meters to Negombo road
House for rent
House for Rent Ragama (Gampaha) October 27, 2021 25000.00 RsNewly built Fully separated upstairs house for rent at closed to Ragama town, with Dinning, Living, 02 bedrooms, attached bathroom, kitchen with pantry, small garden place, and Garage.
House for rent
House for Rent Ragama (Gampaha) October 15, 2021 50000.00 RsBest place for business purposes Calm & peaceful place.
කාමරයක් තරුණියකට හෝ කාන්තාවක් සඳහා පමණක් කුලියට දීමට ඇත.
Rooms for Rent Ragama (Gampaha) October 2, 2021 10000.00 Rs110/12, අන්නාසිහේන පාර, රාගම රාගම දඹුව බස් පාරේ, දඹුව පන්සල අසල පිහිටි කාමරයක් තරුණියකට හෝ කාන්තාවක් සඳහා පමණක් කුලියට දීමට ඇත. *නිවසේ සිට රාගම නගරයට, විනාඩි පහෙන් ලගා විය හැක. *උදෑසන 5.25 සිට රාත්රි 8.30 දක්වා බස් රථ සේවය. *ආරක්ෂාකාරී වටපිටාව. *අවශ...
Kia Rio 2015
Cars for Rent Ragama (Gampaha) August 2, 2021 95000.00 RsKia Rio 2015, automatic transmission, short term or long term rentals

Philips Mixer Grinder discounted price Rs.15,950
40.8% off
Two years warranty
Limited time offer from Dinapala Group
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